Cheap Nursing CEUs

Medical Errors Prevention

20 Tips to Help Prevent Medical Errors

1. Research shows that patients who are more involved with their care tend to get better results.

A. True B. False

2. Always inform patients when or if they should expect to hear results for any tests that were performed, rather than risk them assuming that no news is good news.

A. True B. False

What is Considered a Medical Error?

3. "Error of execution" is when the originally intended action is incorrect.

A. True B. False

Root Cause Analysis: Definition and Utilization

4. The Joint Commission has identified a subset of sentinel events subject to their review, including which of the following?

A. When the event has resulted in death or permanent loss of function and does not seem related to natural course of the patient's or underlying condition. B. The suicide of the patient being cared for in a staffed around-the-clock setting or within 72 hours of discharge. C. The discharge of an infant to the wrong family. D. All of the above.

Florida Law

5. All healthcare professionals who practice in licensed facilities share the responsibility to ensure that risk management systems are in place to detect and report adverse incidents in an accurate and expedient manner.

A. True B. False

Reducing and Preventing Errors

6. Which of the following is the most common medical error?

A. Wrong-site surgery B. Patient suicide C. Operative and postoperative complications D. Delay in treatment

7. The Joint Commission, along with 50 healthcare professional organizations, developed a Universal Protocol that includes which of the following as a recommendation?

A. A pre-procedure verification process. B. Marking the operative/procedure site with an indelible marker. C. Taking a "time out" with all perioperative/periprocedure personnel immediately preceding the performance of the operation/procedure. D. All of the above.

8. Which of the following has been targeted as the major root cause of operative and postoperative complications?

A. Failure to follow established procedures. B. Miscommunication among and between physician and non-physician support personnel. C. Failure to question "inappropriate" orders. D. Inadequate support staff orientation, training, and continuing education.

9. According to the Joint Commission, more than half of all sentinel event cases that resulted in patient death or permanent injury were due to all of the following, except for:

A. Difficulty in locating the entrance to the emergency department. B. Inadequate support personnel being staffed. C. Delays in treatment in the emergency room setting. D. Delays in following orders regarding patient care.

10. Medication errors occur at which critical point in the care of the patient?

A. When ordered by the physician or authorized healthcare professional. B. When dispensed by the pharmacist. C. When administered by a nurse. D. All of the above.

11. All of the following are factors related to the wrong dosage being administered, except for:

A. Misplacement of decimal points. B. Incorrect units of measure. C. Misinterpretation of abbreviations. D. Miscopying of doses.

12. It has been determined that medication errors fall into which of the following categories, which can be shown to be related to the five "rights" that are often employed by the nurse administering the medication?

A. Failure to follow procedural safeguards related to the patient. B. Failure to use the correct mode of administration. C. Failure to clarify a confusing order. D. All of the above.

13. Nurses can be held legally responsible by virtue of a shared responsibility in administering a medication ordered by a physician and dispensed by a pharmacist.

A. True B. False

14. Intolerance to medication is common among the pediatric population due to physiologic immaturity.

A. True B. False

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